Vetz Petz makes donation of Small Animal Arthroscopy medical device to CU

Vetz Petz makes donation of Small Animal Arthroscopy medical device to CU

By Staff Account

Vetz Petz made a donation to the value of 1,810,590 THB to the Faculty of Veterinary Science, Chulalongkorn University on 22 October 2019 for the purchase of a

Small Animal Arthroscopy medical device.

The University needed this device to help teach upcoming students to understand and gain skills in Small Animal Arthroscopy.

Vetz Petz was happy to support the local community and assist with training future students of veterinarian science in new skills and techniques. Vetz Petz also hosted a workshop where a number world-famous Veterinarians shared their knowledge and provided hands-on training for Thai and ASEAN orthopedic vets.

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