Brandi suffers from joint and mobility problems. It was difficult to sit down. And when Brandy stood up It lifts its back left leg and doesn't want to exert any force. Even playing with objects seems more boring to them than fun.

Mari, a dog mom, went to several board-certified veterinarians to find a solution. And all the vets recommended TPLO surgery , which Marie didn't want Brandy to have at all. therefore looking for other alternatives Luckily, both her friend and her brother advised her to try Antinol®.
After just three months of taking Antinol® Marie saw a big change.
She brought Brandy back for another check-up. And her primary care veterinarian was amazed to see that Brandy no longer had a limp. And there is no problem with knees that have been injured.
since june Brandy was able to walk up to 2 miles and try to regain lost muscle while recovering. Brandy is allowed to go for a walk on the beach once a week. So that it trained to use both legs equally, now it can walk and run without any problems.
“Now all the vets say she doesn't need surgery,” Marie tells us happily.
Because I was very impressed with the results that happened to Brandy. She decided to have her Chihuahua start using Antinol® as well when she began to exhibit abnormal symptoms. which after only one month Her Chihuahua seems much healthier. Now he can run around eagerly and play with his sister Brandy again.